Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Oakworks unveils SoVi Vibroacoustic System to elevate spa customers' journey

Spa and wellness equipment manufacturer Oakworks has launched the touchless SoVi Vibroacoustic System to promote relaxation, stress management and performance enhancement.

Jeff Riach, Oakworks founder and CEO, explained: “SoVi was designed to be a very flexible platform for delivering vibroacoustic experiences in a variety of spa settings from waiting areas to massage rooms.”

The new technology can be integrated into Oakwork’s Curva Lounger Anti-Gravity Chairs or Britta Tables using built-in speakers, headphones and vibrational transducers.

Stereo speakers are built into the padded top of the table to deliver high-quality sound to a client’s ears during treatments and enhance the wellness experience. The speakers also drive an integrated amplifier that simultaneously provides power to four transducers embedded into the bed’s padding that deliver vibrations to the body.

Alternatively, the system can power headphones for touchless relaxation experiences in waiting rooms and pre- or post-treatment relaxation spaces.

Oakworks has designed SoVi to provide both an immersive auditory journey and a vibroacoustic wellness experience.

The headphones, speakers and vibratory elements all have individual volume controls to allow therapists to create the best balance for the client and content.

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